To me, they represent a good visual analogy to help explain your muscles and fascia (face-what?! No, pronounced fah-shah). Fascia is a fascinating sort of internal “spiderman web” that holds your body...
What Do Oranges Have To Do With Muscles?

To me, they represent a good visual analogy to help explain your muscles and fascia (face-what?! No, pronounced fah-shah). Fascia is a fascinating sort of internal “spiderman web” that holds your body...
I just came back from a great trip to California to get certified in Chakra bodywork. Chakra's are energy centers in the body (Eastern medicine) that can affect your health when they are out of ba...
Being vs. Doing
Many of us have heard or believe that the best way to achieve something we really want is to go after it through action and hard work (“doing”). What I have found interesting is that ...
I have enjoyed twenty years as a dietitian, health educator, and corporate wellness consultant. Growing up in a family that encouraged healthy eating and physical activity, it felt natural to study nu...